Without a student,
there is no teacher
Welcome to Ooi’s Tae Kwon Do
We are first and foremost a Martial Arts Center. At our studio in Mississauga, Ontario, we teach students the martial arts, self defense and the core values that go with it: Self Discipline, Self Esteem, Self Confidence, Respect for People and Property, Responsibility, Accountability and Boundaries for their behavior.
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After School Program
Available at both Training Centres, our ASP is based on Taekwondo development and we instill into the child the rules and values of Discipline, Respect and Courtesy.
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From the blog
Who is a Black Belt?
A Black Belt is not just someone, who can kick and punch and knows how to fight, or has learnt all the forms… a Black Belt is someone who…

Meet Master Ooi
President of Ooi’s Taekwondo/Tangsoodo and OMAS(Ooi’s Martial Arts System). Canadian Representative of the World Kumite Organization (WKO).
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